BY-PCSW is a non-combustible sheet based on silicate, which expands to a hard shield in case of fire. During expansion pressure is build up. At the same time a pressure resistant heat-isolating foam will form. This special characteristic has the advantage that it forms a barrier against fire and smoke. The heat absorption, the isolation of the surface below and the pressure strength of the silicate make this product suitable to reach the highest levels of fire-protection for many applications.

BY-PCSW strips in all applications should be protected against humidity and CO2 in the air, either under lipping, or by encapsulating, or wrapped in soft-PVC or aluminium foil, optionally with an adhesive strip on one side.
Technical data Density: Approximately 1.4g/cm3 Expansion temperature: starting from 100°C Expansion factor: up to 8-fold its original thickness Expansion pressure: 1.6 N/mm2 Color: white
BY-PCSW panels are especially developed for the manufacturing of fire doors and for the use in interior fire walls.
BY-PCSW can be used laminar with other materials to produce sandwiched fireproof constructions.
1, Thickness: 2mm. Length/Width: 2.100x1.100mm or 2.160x1.110mm. Special measures on request.
2,BY-PCSW can be delivered in various sizes up to a length of 2400 mm, with PVC casing in different colors or in soft-PVC or aluminium foil.


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